Hi and welcome to It's All in the Chemistry my Sky/Syd fanfic archive site. To find out more about how this page came to be, visit the Site Stuff page. Otherwise enjoy the fics and graphics we have to offer here.



Site Opening!

I am very excited about opening this site, and hope that you all enjoy it as much as I did putting it together. Big thanks to all the authors who gave me permission to house their wonderful works, and who helped me with numerous things throughout the process of creating the site.

You guys are the best! *HUGS*

Now, I know that there are several author's that I've asked permission to host their fics, and aren't up right now. I have to admit that back when I asked you guys for permission, I was all gung-ho about the site, and was gonna get ALL of you up with the first update. But then I got sucked back into the HP fandom with book 7 came out. I've spend the last four months in mourning LOL. But, I'm back now, and even more gung-ho to get the site up. That being said, I've taken about half of the author's out that were going to be up from the beginning, and will add them in future updates. Some author's will not have all of their stories up right away either, but those will also come with subsequent updates.