The graphics on this page were created by me Cathy (aka Falconcranelove). Feel free to use them on boards, LJ, IJ, or anywhere else you choose. You must credit me somehow; there are several ways.

1. Credit just the site itself, by either name or addy. (

2. Credit either of my names Cathy or Falconcranelove at (either the name or site addy).

3. Credit LiveJournal or InsaneJournal user: sunnydale_grafx (my free graphics journal)  or angelus_buff (my personal journal).

Icons  Banners  Headers  Walls

Newest Art -  updated 5.22.08

Never Knew I Could Hurt This Bad
1024x768 (there is a 800x600 available at my photobucket)




Sydney - Alycia


Sky - Chris


Banners - *none at this time* * *COMING SOON*

Headers - *none at this time* * *COMING SOON*




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