If you are the author of a FotM, feel free to take the award and
place it somewhere to show it off if you'd like.  :)

*NOTE: If you would like to help with choosing the next months FotM, come join us at Perfect Chemistry  and vote!
 Every month you guys will nominate four or five fics, then vote for your fave. Winners will be announced on the board the first of the month, and then posted here with the next update

MAY 2008


APRIL 2008
This month's pick is the last one I will be doing myself. From now on, the board members at PC will be nominating and then voting for them. So, with that said, this is one of my fave stories, and brand new to the site. It's cute and shows a different side to Sky than we got to see on the show, but one I firmly believe was there anyway. Great job hun and congrats you deserve it for writing such a great little fic! :)

MARCH 2008
This month's pick is Come Back Down by MzDaydream. This fic really moved me when I read it, and I fell in love with the song when I looked it up after seeing it was used in the fic. Definitely a must read. Great job MzDaydream!

This month's FotM is actually a WIP, which I won't usually do, but this fic is so good that I think it deserves the recognition. If you've not read this one yet, make sure you do; and if you've already read it, go read it again! LOL I've read it several times myself, and enjoy it every time. Love the interactions between Sky and Syd (there's chemistry even when they're fighting! lol), and then of course Bridge, Jack and Z are great too! Hopefully one day the girls will be able to write some more on it, and we'll get to see what happens. Great job guys and thanks for the great fic! :)

Congrats go to CA Elenath for having the first FotM for the new year! *claps* lol This is one of those fics that you want to (and will) read over and over again, and enjoy it each time. I've read it a few times myself, and still enjoy it. Great characterization, and definitely a storyline that was unique. Great job CA and thanks for writing such a wonderful fic! :)


The next one is definitely a fave amongst S/S fans. I've seen it referred to by other authors several times as one of the best. When I first started working on this site, I had asked some people if they had any fic recs and this one was consistently given as one I had to have for the site. Great job BV! :)


Starting off our Fic of the Month is a fic that I absolutely fell in love with when I read it. I hadn't heard the song yet, and was out in SD on vacation. I read the fic about two days before leaving for home, and on the trip home I heard the song, and fell in love with it as well. I've read this fic at least 10 times already, and love it every time. I don't think I can get tired of reading it, it gets me every time. You'll see why when you read it too, I think. Thanks for the new fave song, and the wonderful fic that was inspired by it. ENJOY GUYS! :)


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